Buff and Recoat

A Buff and Coat, also referred to as a screen and recoat are terms used to describe the method involved in the application of a new layer of finish over the old finish on your wood floors. This process is recommended on a periodic basis to keep your floors looking their best. You want to buff and coat a floor whose traffic areas become dull and may have light surface scratches. It is important to have this process done BEFORE finish has worn through to bare wood and started to turn grey in color.
This process consists of using a buffer to thoroughly abrade the old finish with a screen, which is a specialized type of mesh sandpaper. The new finish will fill-in and remove light scratches in the old finish, produce a consistent sheen, make the floors easier to clean and provide a durable new layer of protection for years to come.
The job of a buff and coat can be completed within one day unless you opt for 2 coats which is a two day process. Your wood floors can be walked-on in stocking feet 6 – 8 hours after, furniture can be moved back in 24 hours and large area rugs can be replaced in 5-7 days. Normal traffic can be resumed in 24 hours.
The cost of a Buff and Coat is typically 25% the cost of a full refinish. A Buff and Coat should be done every 2 years in high traffic areas like kitchens and foyers. Maintaining your wood floors in this way will keep them looking their best and minimize the need for costly refinishing.